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A Remarkable Speaker in a Remarkable Garden: The Susan S. Pritzker Series Presents Miri Eisin

On Wednesday, August 12, the Susan S. Pritzker program of Federation’s Sylvia Weisz Women’s Philanthropy featured a presentation by leading Israeli spokeswoman IDF Colonel Miri Eisin. Nearly 200 women and men from across the Los Angeles Jewish community gathered for a delicious dinner and food for thought.  The lively group included philanthropists and leaders, Holocaust survivors and young adults from our Community Leadership Institute, and people at all ages and stages who connected in the beautiful garden of Heidi and Jon Monkarsh.

Sylvia Weisz Women’s Philanthropy Chair Heidi Monkarsh received many appreciative words from guests and, following the event, many e-mails from enthusiastic attendees. In one of them, Nancy Lushing Greenstein wrote “We loved being in your warm and beautiful home. The event drew people from all over the city which was so refreshing. I saw and met so many new people, it was wonderful. Miri was knowledgeable and interesting and her enthusiasm was contagious. ”

On that beautiful summer night, Pritzker Co-Chair Wendy Klein welcomed the group and the presentation began.

Heidi Monkarsh spoke eloquently about how Women’s Philanthropy engages and welcomes a community of many Jewish women, those for whom this was a first Pritzker event and those who have participated for many years. She welcomed the men who had been invited for this very special evening and spoke of the Federation, saying “We gather.  We grow.  We give back.”

Senior Vice President of Caring for Jews in Need, Lori Klein, spoke next sharing highlights of how the generosity of those present was helping the Federation, in partnership with the Israel Trauma Coalition, create resiliency centers in Israel, so those who live with terror have resources to cope and get on with their lives.

Event Co-Chair Karen Weiss introduced Colonel Miri Eisin (Ret.) who was interviewed by Federation President & CEO Jay Sanderson.  A leading authority on regional politics and geo-political issues, Eisin shared her insights on the nuances of the challenges Israel faces as the only democracy in the Middle East.  An eloquent speaker, she referenced her decades of experience in military intelligence and her past 10 years as a spokeswoman for the state of Israel, working closely with leaders past and present.   The assembled gathering listened with rapt attention as she spoke of the enormously complex realities confronting Israel today.  On behalf of all Israelis, she closed with words of gratitude to the group for their interest and support.

Like all Susan S. Pritzker Series events, it was a remarkable gathering for remarkable women, including one who came all the way from Israel to speak from the heart to the heart-felt crowd.

For more information about the Susan S. Pritzker Series and upcoming Sylvia Weisz Women’s Philanthropy events, contact Karen Sternfeld at (323) 761-8224 or e-mail ksternfeld@jewishla.org



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