We put our shared Jewish values in action to make our voices heard on issues you care about most, and meet the growing needs of the Jewish community here in Los Angeles, Israel, and around the world.
We put our shared Jewish values in action to make our voices heard on issues you care about most, and meet the growing needs of the Jewish community here in Los Angeles, Israel, and around the world.
To make your contribution via check, please make payment out to “JFEDLA” and mail to JFEDLA, PO Box 54269, Los Angeles, CA 90054-0269. To make your contribution by phone, please call (323) 761-8200.
Please give today.
This donation page will accept your payment. And, thank you!
Donations of appreciated securities may allow you to avoid tax liability while receiving a deduction for your charitable contribution. Shares of stock may be donated to JFEDLA via electronic transfer to our account:
City National Bank
DTC No. 0226
Jewish Federation Council of Greater Los Angeles Account No: BHS307166
For further information, please call (323) 761-8413 or e-mail JFCStockDonations@JewishLA.org. To help ensure the proper credit of your gift of securities, we ask that you or the transferring broker provide notification of your gift and include the following details in writing or via e-mail:
Add the following very simple language to your will or trust documents to leave a gift that transmits your values for future generations:
“I give [_____ percent (___%) of my estate /or/ _____ dollars ($____) /or/ the residue of my estate] to The Jewish Federation Council of Greater Los Angeles (The Federation), located at 6505 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90048. EIN: 95-1643388.”
For more information about this or other types of Legacy Giving, please contact Betsy Berger, SVP Planned Giving and Principal Gifts at (323) 761-8216 or BBerger@JewishLA.org.
If you would like to pay your gift via a wire transfer, please notify
us of the dollar amount and date of transfer by contacting Donor
Services at (323) 761-8413 or DonorServices@JewishLA.org. Funds
can be wired to the following account:
City National Bank, 400 North Roxbury Drive,
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
ABA# 122016066
Swift code: CINAUS6L (if outside the USA)
Account number to be credited: 112838031
Account Name: Jewish Federation Council “Fundraising Wires”
6505 Wilshire Blvd. #800, Los Angeles, CA 90048
To donate State of Israel bonds, contact your local Israel Bonds office at (800) 922-6637 or visit www.IsraelBonds.com to transfer an existing bond already in your name or purchase a new bond. It is important to provide Israel Bonds with a letter of instruction for your account to be properly credited
We are happy to assist! Please reach out to our donor services team at (323) 761-8413 or DonorServices@JewishLA.org to request the documentation your company requires.
The Federation works with a nonprofit organization, CARS, to manage our vehicle donation program. Please contact CARS directly at (866) 985-4483, or visit their website at www.CarEasy.org.
Please reach out to our donor services team at (323) 761-8413 or DonorServices@JewishLA.org.
We send tax receipts by the end of January. If you need your receipt sooner, please reach out to our donor services team at (323) 761-8413 or DonorServices@JewishLA.org.
Please reach out to our Senior Director of Volunteerism & Advocacy Melissa York at MYork@JewishLA.org.