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May You Be Inscribed in the Book of Life

As Yom Kippur approaches, on behalf of our Federation and myself, I ask each and every one of you for your forgiveness. If you have felt wronged or upset by me or by something you felt The Jewish Federation did or did not do, I apologize.

Teshuva means “return.” The time between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur reminds us to acknowledge our wrongs and “return” to being our best selves through good deeds, kindness, and honest repentance. This is how we all want to enter the New Year.

Jewish Federation Los Angeles is not just a big building or institution. This over 100-year-old Federation is filled with hundreds of professionals and lay leaders who are committed to making our community a better place and ensuring the Jewish future for generations to come. We all begin each day with the intention of being our best selves and doing our best work to build and sustain our community. I am the Federation, and you are the Federation. This is the power of community.

We are seeing great divisions within our community. Our history teaches us that we need to listen and not judge, embrace and not push away.

We are not perfect, yet we always strive for perfection. We are facing great challenges today, and we know that if we face them together, we will have the greatest opportunity for success.

During these Aseret Yemei Teshuva (10 Days of Repentance), we say, “G’mar Chatimah Tovah” — may you be inscribed in the Book of Life.

My colleagues and partners share this wish for you, your families, and our community.

Shanah Tovah U’Metukah — Happy and Sweet New Year,

Jay Sanderson
President & CEO

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