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Meet Brawerman Fellow Alum Britt Jacobson

Britt Jacobson, Brawerman Fellowship* recipient and recent USC graduate with a major in Global Studies and double minors in Folklore & Popular Culture and Music Industry, shares her everlasting gratitude for the Fellowship and how it shaped her experience as a leader in the Jewish community at college.

My most meaningful experience with the Brawerman Fellowship has been going from being a freshman and being so impressed with the older cohorts and all of the incredible things they were doing, to being a senior and being among the “impressive” (hopefully not intimidating) upperclassmen. The most important part of the Fellowship retreats for me has always been taking that time to self-reflect on all of the things I was doing and, in turn, to hear all of the updates from my peers. The Brawerman Fellowship has made my college experience that much more meaningful, because I know behind every accomplishment, every job and internship, every article I publish — there is a Brawerman family rooting for my success. I know how proud I feel to be part of this group of extraordinary individuals, and it drives me to work that much harder to feel worthy of my place. Receiving that positive reinforcement from Orly Frank, Director of The Brawerman Fellowship, and from the other Fellows has made my college experience so fulfilling, and I know that I am so lucky to have them in my life. Being a Brawerman Fellow means being part of a family. I know that I have a group of people that will be there for me no matter what is going on in my life. Being a Fellow means that I get to hang out with my friends twice a year at the retreats to help each other be the best versions of ourselves and to have the confidence to take every opportunity we can. The Brawerman Fellowship has given me some incredible opportunities over the past four years. I am thankful for the leadership and communication workshops that have empowered me to take on responsibilities with more confidence and skill. I am thankful for having lived in Israel and gained international work experience, while making lifelong friends. I am thankful for the Brawerman Fellows group chat, where we all text each other updates and wish each other easy Yom Kippur fasts or a Shabbat Shalom. I am especially thankful for the financial relief for me and my family that have allowed me to pursue opportunities I am passionate about.

*Through the Brawerman Fellowship, our Federation develops and sustains a talent pool of Jewish young leaders for our community in perpetuity. The Fellowship provides an annual $10,000 college scholarship — a total of $40,000 over four years — and participation in a larger program that builds leadership skills and further strengthens Fellows’ connection to Jewish life through retreats, a trip to Israel, and other overseas opportunities.

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