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Meet Our Rider, Ivan Wolkind: Tour de Summer Camps 2017

Tour de Summer Camps 2017 | Meet The Riders: Ivan Wolkind | Jewish Federation Los Angeles

On Sunday, October 29th, Jewish Federation Los Angeles will proudly hold our 5th annual Tour de Summer Camps, the community-wide cycling and hiking fundraiser that helps provide scholarships to send more of our kids to Jewish summer camp and help them build a lifelong connection to Jewish identity and values. This is the first year a hike has been added, bringing even more fun to this family and community-filled day!

This year, we are profiling a few of our riders and hikers to find out why they participate in Tour de Summer Camps and what Jewish summer camp means to them.

Meet Ivan Wolkind, Federation’s Chief Operating and Financial Officer

Why did you decide to participate in Tour de Summer Camps this year?
I have participated in every Tour de Summer Camps since its inception — not only do I believe strongly in the event’s goals and achievements, but I also enjoy everything about the day. This year, I will be riding 100 miles.

What are you most excited about for the upcoming ride?
It’s a beautiful ride with a wonderful bunch of like-minded people. It is the best-organized group ride I have ever taken part in — what’s not to get excited about?

How are you preparing/training for the ride?
I ride most Sundays — on Father’s Day, a group of us rode a metric century together.

Did you attend Jewish summer camp?
No — I did not have that opportunity.

Why is it important for you to support Tour de Summer Camps?
My children all attend Jewish summer camp and I have seen the deep, positive impact that it has had on their lives, both Jewishly and otherwise. We are blessed to be able to send our children to camp and doubly blessed that Tour de Summer Camps gives us the opportunity to help others do the same.

What would you say to people who are nervous about the distance of the ride/hike?
There are many different levels of bike distances to choose from — from people like me who ride 100 miles to other folks who will have a great time doing 18 miles or pushing themselves to either the 36- or 62- mile distance. Remember, THIS IS NOT A RACE. As I say, I have ridden in every Tour de Summer Camps there has been, and the collegial atmosphere of people supporting each other on a fun day makes this a truly rewarding day out.

How would you encourage your friends who are thinking about participating?
If you ride with me, I won’t keep bugging you to sponsor me!

Each year, hundreds of community members fundraise for months, do training rides and hikes, and join us to either bike 18, 36, 62, or 100 miles or hike 1, 3, or 6 miles on a day filled with activity, community, and fun.

To sign up for Tour de Summer Camps, please visit tourdesummercamps.org. Looking forward to October 29th and sending more kids to Jewish Summer Camp!

Questions? Please email MHamerman@JewishLA.org.

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