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Opening Our Eyes, And Our Hearts,To the Jewish LGBTQ Community

How can we shift our organizational climates and individual actions working with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) Jews from one of tolerance to one that fully embraces the community? That was the central question of our Federation’s latest Front Line Responders Workshop “Welcoming the LGBTQ Community” on May 27th, held in conjunction with Federation partner JQ International and the Institute for Judaism, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (IJSO).

Rabbi Rachel Bat-Or, MFT, Warmline Coordinator for JQ International, and Dr. Joel Kushner, Executive Director of the Kalsman Institute and the IJSO, led this invaluable workshop asking attendees to conduct an assessment of how inclusive their organizations are at welcoming a diverse community in its programs, leadership, and marketing. The speakers also explored the range of the gender expression continuum and the importance of addressing individuals with their preferred “she/he” pronouns. Participants examined their own personal biases and knowledge of this community. They also learned about referrals available to connect individuals with the best services for their needs.  After gaining a deeper understanding of the challenges facing LGBTQ community members, they left with a call to action to transform their thinking for themselves and for their organizations.

Our Federation’s Front Line Responders Workshop series brings together Jewish professionals including social workers, rabbis, and programmers to learn about social service issues relevant to the Jewish community. We were thrilled to partner with JQ International and the IJSO on hosting a dialogue about the Jewish LGBTQ community. In January, Federation’s Caring for Jews in Need strategic initiative granted seed funding to JQ International to launch the JQ Warmline which provides resources and social service referrals to LGBTQ Jews, their families, and their allies. Rabbi Bat-Or is also a graduate fellow of our Federation’s PresenTenseLA 2014 cohort.

Front line responders are staff who provide information and referrals to community members, including those who may address inquiries as part of their responsibilities. For more information on our Front Line Responders Workshops, contact Jenna Fields at JFields@JewishLA.org.

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