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Our Message of Solidarity

Jewish Federation Los Angeles stands with our neighbors in the African American community in expressing grief over the senseless murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and countless other victims of police brutality and systemic racism. We stand in solidarity in condemning racist conduct whether from institutions or individuals, including those who purport to act under cover of law, and we support the peaceful demonstrations against these injustices.

We call upon our government and law enforcement at the national, state, and local levels to fully and promptly investigate and hold accountable all of the involved officers and to prosecute all those responsible to the fullest extent of the law. We encourage immediate actions by government and law enforcement agencies at every level to institute appropriate reforms in the criminal justice system in order to guarantee the equal and fair application of justice to all members of our community.

We rededicate ourselves to basic Jewish tenets — that each person is created in the image of G-d and to the imperative to pursue justice. In the coming days and weeks, our Federation will work closely to educate, engage, and advocate against hate and racism. Through our Community Engagement Initiative, our Federation builds partnerships across communities throughout Los Angeles. We now commit to intensifying our efforts to improve relations and enhance understanding between our communities. Just as our parents and grandparents came together to march at Selma and work together to overcome the pernicious scourge of racism in their day, so too shall we build a bridge and move forward, arm- in-arm and in solidarity with one another to build a more just society.

In the Jewish tradition, when someone dies it is custom to say, “May his memory be a blessing.” May George Floyd’s name be a blessing. May these senseless acts of violence, his murder, and the murders of countless others not be in vain.


Albert Z. Praw
Chair of the Board

Jay Sanderson
President & CEO

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