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LAJTI Incentive Grants for Teen Programs FAQ

Jewish teens ages 13-18 who live in the Greater Los Angeles area are eligible to apply for incentive grants.

There are no deadlines — we accept applications on a rolling basis, as long as funds are available. In order to receive the funds, you must apply at least one month in advance of your program start date. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application is turned in with sufficient time for the Incentive Grant Committee to review it.

The Incentive Grant only requires an online application.

No, there is no application fee for this program.

A short-term immersive activity includes programs lasting up to 7 days such as aweekend retreat or Shabbaton with a Jewish youth group, a Jewish service learning program, or other Jewish year-round activities that are program and travel-based.

Jewish summer camp, Israel trips, Day School or Religious School Shabbatons, and Maccabi Games are activities that do not qualify for this program.

Yes! You are eligible for the incentive grants if it is your first time attending an activity with a specific organization, or if it is your first time attending short-term immersive Jewish activity altogether.

For additional information, contact Hannah Sidell at HSidell@JewishLA.org.