Ways to Take Your Place as a Member of
Sylvia Weisz Women’s Philanthropy
Below are some of the many ways you can get involved in Women’s Philanthropy. For more information, contact womensphilanthropy@jewishla.org.
Lion of Judah

The Lion of Judah is comprised of women who make a gift to our Federation’s Annual Campaign in their own name of $5,000 or more and are part of the international organization Lion of Judah. All Lions can proudly wear a striking gold or platinum pin, highlighted with diamonds or rubies that mark their increased commitment to the work of our Federation.
Endowing your Lion of Judah gift creates a legacy and promotes a generosity that will be integral to our community, remembered and recognized in perpetuity. To endow your Lion of Judah gift, contact SWWP@JewishLA.org and create a personal legacy for generations to come.

Women wearing The Jewish Federation’s Pomegranate pin make an individual minimum women’s gift of $1,800 to the Federation Annual Campaign. The beautiful sterling silver pin identifies you as a generous woman who builds and sustains our community.