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Israel Teen Pub Night

A few weeks ago, we watched commercials again. Despite our tendency to bypass them with our digital video recorders, the Super Bowl commercials magically prevented us from hitting the fast forward button on our remotes. Similarly, last week sixty teenagers from around Los Angeles rushed to see new commercials as if they were living in the generations that could not wait for advertisements on their television screens. The commercials they watched, however, were not trying to sell them anything; they were building a connection to the State of Israel. 

The Jewish Federation’s Weinberg Israel Fellows hosted The Israel Pub Night, where real Israeli commercials were used to teach students about Israel’s culture and society. The World Zionist Organization “Pub Night” curriculum left the teens ready to throw their DVR’s away, imploring their cable providers to offer Israeli television. Through the commercials, the teens could feel the sun on the beaches of Tel Aviv, crave a late night snack from an Israeli McDonald’s, savor the “small glass” of Elite coffee on their palates, and joined in singing “Havenu Shalom Aleichem” with an El Al plane landing in Israel.

The teens learned about Israel’s innovative spirit, its diverse society, and the complexities it faces through pub style trivia. They sipped on “mocktails” such as Shirley Temples and Roy Rogers, while answering questions such as “What is Sabich?” and “What city has Israel’s largest population?” After the winners were announced and given their prizes, the teens danced the night away to Israeli music. 

There is nothing like commercials to take us to a new place and provide a good laugh. These teens realized commercials can do more than simply sell them a product, item, or service once a year. In fact, commercials can instantaneously transport them 7,563 miles away to the land and people they love in Israel. TiVo and advertisers just might want to take notes. 

For more information about our Weinberg Israel Fellows, contact Robert Hendlish, Program Coordinator, at Rhendlish@JewishLA.org.

The Jewish Federation supports and connects with our family in Israel, and advocates and educates on their behalf. Through the programs within our LA Israel Network, we reach into the Jewish community to nurture a passion for Israel and work with partners in the non-Jewish communities to ensure a supportive bond with Israel. For more information, contact Israel@JewishLA.org.

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