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Tour de Summer Camps: Meet Rider Karmi Monsher!

On Sunday, October 30th, Jewish Federation Los Angeles will proudly hold our 4th annual Tour de Summer Camps, the community-wide cycling fundraiser that helps provide scholarships to send more of our kids to Jewish summer camp and help them build a lifelong connection to Jewish identity and values.  Each year, hundreds of community members fundraise for months, do training rides, and show up to bike our course for either18, 36, 62 or 100 miles.

This year, we are profiling a few of our riders to find out why they participate in Tour de Summer Camps. Longtime Federation supporter, King David Society Chair and two-time rider Karmi Monsher shares her Tour de Summer Camps story below.

How many years have you been riding in Tour de Summer Camps?

Karmi Monsher: This is my second year. I did it once before.

How many miles are you riding?

KM: The first time I did it, I rode 18. But this year I think I can do 36.

Are you on a team?

KM: I am riding with the Valley Alliance team and with my friend Wendy Keer.

Why are you riding?

KM: I am riding because I believe in getting Jewish kids to Jewish camp. It’s a top priority of mine. I grew up going to Jewish camp and my kids grew up going to Jewish camp and I know how important is. Tour de Summer Camps is a great way to get a lot of money to get more kids to camp.

Where did you go to Jewish summer camp?

KM: I went to Habonim Camp Gilboa. My kids grew up going to (and my youngest is still a counselor at) Camp Ramah. Their Judaism is very, very strong. They have been so connected through Camp Ramah, our community, our synagogue, Milken Community High School…but Ramah had the biggest impact on them in their Jewish life. The values of Camp Ramah are in line with our family’s values and it was the happiest place for them. It still is.

What would you say to people who might be nervous about the distance of the ride?

KM: Don’t be nervous. The fun part is everybody cheering each other on. What I love about it is that all the streets are completely clear of cars. It’s just fantastic and such a pleasure to just ride free and clear with all the space you want and you see people you know. It’s great day.

How are you training for the ride?

KM: I go spinning all the time. I find that it’s helpful in my training and didn’t make it hard for me to do the 18-mile ride. I am planning on doing some training rides and organizing some rides soon.

Join Karmi out on the Tour de Summer Camps course this October 30th! Sign up to ride, volunteer or donate today!

Questions? Please visit the Tour de Summer Camps website or contact the Tour de Summer Camps team at (323) 761-8013 or info@tourdesummercamps.org.



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