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Volunteers Needed for our Super Sunday Superhero Squad

They wait to be called to duty, ready to respond when needed. Their heroic acts not only touch the lives of people in need in Los Angeles, but in Israel and in more than 70 countries around the world. They’re enthusiastic about our Federation, passionate about tikkun olam and have great phone personalities to boot. They’re our Super Sunday volunteers — community superheroes just like you who are donating a few hours of their day on Sunday, February 21st, to make calls in support of our Federation’s life-changing work.

But every superhero needs a sidekick or two. In fact, we need hundreds in our superhero squad to get on the phones and take action on behalf of their Jewish values.

What does it take to be a community superhero for Super Sunday? Our Super Sunday volunteers are both male and female, ages 18 and up and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some wear ties. Some wear dresses. Some wear sweat pants. Some wear capes — and that’s okay. The only uniform we ask that you wear is a smile.

No light sabers, supersonic screwdrivers or tool belts are required to volunteer. Just bring your dialing finger, your cell phone and your giant heart and get ready to see what happens when you and the rest of our community combine powers. It’s pretty incredible!

Sign up to volunteer for one of two convenient shifts in either the City or the Valley and we’ll throw in a free breakfast or lunch to keep you energized. Come meet the other superheroes in our community and join forces to support our global Jewish community!

For more information about Super Sunday in the City, call (323) 761-8327 or e-mail SuperSunday@JewishLA.org. For questions about Super Sunday in the Valley, contact (818) 668-2337 or SuperSundayValley@JewishLA.org.

We hope you’ll join us as part of our Federation’s Super Weekend!

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