Los Angeles Siyum Hashas

UCLA Royce Hall 40 Royce Drive, Los Angeles, CA, US

Los Angeles celebration of the completion of Shas, a 7 1/2 year cycle of learning. Join with Rabbi’s from around the world!

Urging The Iranian Regime , Emerging With the Iranian People

For the first time we are honored to invite the White House U.S. Special Representative for Iran and Advisor to the Secretary of State, Mr. Brian Hook, to Eretz Synagogue and our community. He will be addressing the U.S. policy towards Iran, which will be followed with an opportunity for the attendees to ask questions. […]

Event Series Introduction to Judaism

Introduction to Judaism

Temple Menorah of Redondo Beach 1101 Camino Real, Redondo Beach, CA, US

Introduction to Judaism is an engaging 18-session course for anyone who wants to gain a deeper understanding of Jewish life through a Reform lens. Open to all, this course is meant for individuals and couples from Jewish and various faith traditions and cultural backgrounds and those who have had no religious upbringing. The course is […]
