Kollel Los Angeles Annual Fellowship Dinner – Canceled

In keeping with the CA State Health Department Recommendations, the event is postponed until further notice. Celebrating 45 Years of Advanced Torah Study and Community Service In Tribute of Rav Dovid Revah Shlit”a

Event Series Introduction to Judaism

Introduction to Judaism

Temple Menorah of Redondo Beach 1101 Camino Real, Redondo Beach, CA, US

Introduction to Judaism is an engaging 18-session course for anyone who wants to gain a deeper understanding of Jewish life through a Reform lens. Open to all, this course is meant for individuals and couples from Jewish and various faith traditions and cultural backgrounds and those who have had no religious upbringing. The course is […]


#EducateAgainstHate with Dr. Na’ama Shik and Guy Nattiv

Beverly Hills, CA , Beverly Hills, CA, United States

The American Society for Yad Vashem is pleased to invite you to #EducateAgainstHate – a 3 part educational series (Jan. 30, Feb. 27, March 26) that will take place in Beverly Hills on Thursday March 26th at 7 pm at SFIXIO restaurant: 9737 S Santa Monica Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90210. $100 for all 3 […]

$50 – $100