Escape To Israel 2 – Virtual Event


Cooking with Israel master chef Meir Adoni to help food insecurity. Keep an eye out for more details and ways to sign up for each session! If you have any questions regarding this virtual experience, please contact

Sephardic Temple Presents: Distinguished Speaker Series: When Iran Sheltered Jews

When Iran Sheltered Jews Did you know that Iran sheltered Jewish children during the Holocaust? A new international bestseller, titled“Tehran Children,” covers this unique,historic, and moving encounter between Polish Jewish children & the Jewish community of Tehran, during the Holocaust. Join us for this fascinating talk by the author, Professor Mikhal Dekel.

Finding Love (and Keeping it)

Online Webinar , Los Angeles, CA, United States

Whether you’re single or dating – Develop the 3 qualities that will enable you to be ready to receive and give the love you want. There is nothing more attractive than someone who: 1: Is content-loving what is available rather than what is not 2: Appreciates what is “better than perfect” 3: Has taught themselves […]


Chai/Emerald/Zahav, Ruby & Lion of Judah Event


This year’s Chai/Emerald/Zahav, Ruby & Lion of Judah Event takes us to Israel — virtually — with Rivka Saker, one of the top 10 influencers in Israel’s art scene. While leading us through her stunning private art collection in her home, Rivka will share her Jewish story and provide Jewish insight into Israeli art and […]

Secret Spanish Hate Networks Exposed with Journalist Julio E. Lopez

Online Webinar , Los Angeles, CA, United States

Julio E. LĂłpez, a brave non-Jewish Argentinian journalist, uncovered this story by creating a computer program to scan Spanish-language hate speech. Argentine media refused to broadcast the story until Fuente Latina secured him an interview on CNN Español and other major news networks. Despite death threats by the extremists he exposed, LĂłpez is almost singlehandedly […]


L’Dough V’Dough

Evoking the Hebrew phrase l’dor v’dor, or “from generation to generation,”  L’Dough V’Dough is a collaboration with Holocaust Museum L.A. (formerly LAMOTH), connecting young adult community members and survivors and passing on amazing stories of freedom from one generation to the next. This year, our Los Angeles survivor community has pivoted to virtual storytelling, and we […]

Valley NuMoon Circle

Join NuRoots for a monthly immersive digital NuMoon Circle experience. We will gather to connect with the ancient Jewish ritual of Rosh Hodesh (the holiday that marks the start of the Hebrew lunar month). Together we will harness the power of lunar cycle, and connect to the female body. Through Jewish wisdom, music, meditation, story […]

Webinar: Life Planning For Children and Adults with Special Needs

Life planning for children and adults with special needs is paramount in promoting and maintaining the health and well-being of everyone involved. Every situation is unique. Why is it so important and what are our options? Join Sinai Temple’s Rabbi Erez Sherman, Michelle Wolf, Founder and Executive Director of Jewish LA Special Needs Trust and […]
