Eastside NuMoon Circle

Guided by the Hebrew calendar and based on the rituals of Rosh Chodesh (the lunar holiday that marks the start of each month), our immersive NuMoon Circles meet monthly to tell stories, learn about our bodies, support each other, and share spiritual experiences. Through Jewish wisdom, music, meditation, story sharing, ritual practice, and other self-care […]

Jewish Adulting Series: Everything they didn’t teach you in Sunday school! Description


Feb 8 Where did the word “Jew” come from? Most religious among us wear black suits and top hats. We’ll do a complete timeline of the evolution of Jewish identity, how our identities (and outfits) shifted throughout the centuries, and explain the different sects of Judaism within the US and globally. Feb 15 Keeping the […]


Guided Meditation and Reflections for Parents of Teens


Guided Meditation & Reflections for parents of teens: Are you a parent of a teenager and seeking a community to grow with? Join the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles for Guided Meditation & Reflections to nourish your soul once a month on Thursdays at 8am. To learn more, please email MGoldshine@JewishLA.org or call 323-761-8132. Passover and Spring are times of renewal […]

2022 Women of Achievement Luncheon

Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles, CA, US

For more information please contact American Friends of Sheba Medical Center, Western Region at (310) 775-2576 or office@shebamed.org.

Jewish Family Service LA 29th Virtual Gala

As we continue to navigate the ever-changing realities of COVID-19, Jewish Family Service LA is once again holding a virtual Gala. While we miss seeing all of you in person, the health of our supporters, staff, volunteers, and clients is our priority. Last year we learned the benefits of a virtual Gala. We were able […]

Valley NuMoon Circle

Guided by the Hebrew calendar and based on the rituals of Rosh Chodesh (the lunar holiday that marks the start of each month), our immersive NuMoon Circles meet monthly to tell stories, learn about our bodies, support each other, and share spiritual experiences. Through Jewish wisdom, music, meditation, story sharing, ritual practice, and other self-care […]