Welcome to #ShineALight. This is an international campaign taking place all of December 2022, intended to respond in solidarity to the dramatic rise of antisemitism, racism, and all forms of hate. As we gear up for Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, let’s spread the light of the season to dispel the darkness. Our objective is to unite the Jewish community with our allies in one positive voice as we are all stronger united than we are when divided.
This campaign reflects our deepest values as a Jewish people.
We ask you to: #ShineALight for love, justice, kindness, compassion, humanity, allyship, and community. Stand united against antisemitism, racism, and all forms of hate.
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Help us Elevate this campaign. Here are some sample posts! Share far and wide!
#ShineALight on antisemitism and all forms of hate. Visit jewishla.org/shinealight to learn more about how you can take action! @jfedla
We all have a role to play. Today, we dispel the darkness and seek to #ShineALight on #antisemitism, racism, and all forms of hate in our City of Angels. @ShineALight_On @jfedla
This Angeleno seeks to #ShineALight of love, justice, connection, compassion, humanity, allyship, and community. @ShineALight_On @jfedla
Enough is enough. #ShineALight against antisemitism, racism, and all forms of hate. @ShineALight_On @jfedla
I stand in solidarity with the Jewish community this Hanukkah as we dispel the darkness and #ShineALight on antisemitism. @ShineALight_On @jfedla
Shine A Light on antisemitism to dispel the darkness this Hanukkah. @ShineALight_On @jfedla
Join me in shining a light on antisemitism, racism, and all forms of hate. #ShineALight in Los Angeles. @ShineALight_On @jfedla
Tenemos una responsabilidad a disipamos la oscuridad y #ShineALight sobre el #antisemitismo, el racismo y todas las formas de odio. @ShineALight_On @jfedla
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The past several months have proven to us that much needs to be done to fight growing antisemitism across America and here in Los Angeles. As a Federation who is responsible for the Jewish community, we all need to understand this moment and how we are uniquely positioned to respond to it.
For thousands of years, there has been Jew-hatred. Whether it is religious, racist, economic, cultural, or political, different forms of antisemitism perennially afflict the Jewish community. Historically, antisemitism in America was more systemic in nature. Jews were forced to create their own social service agencies, community centers, country clubs, hospitals, and colleges. They needed to change our names, the way they spoke, and even their bodies to fit into the wider gentile culture.
Because of the hard work done by previous generations, much of the explicitly systemic antisemitism in America is gone. However, under the surface, seething hatred and insolence still exists and is, in fact, rising. Our Study of Jewish LA shows that nine out of ten adults in the Jewish community are concerned about antisemitism. The latest ADL report shows a 300% rise in antisemitic incidents in the last few years alone. Five years ago, our Federation did not focus our work on antisemitism as we left it to fellow defense organizations to take up the mantle.
This moment is different.
The lightning-fast pace at which hatred spreads online, the reemergence of white supremacy, the continued isolation of Jews on campuses, anti-Zionism, the emerging antisemitism in minority communities, and the general threat to the civic fabric of the nation requires that we, as a Federation and as a community, respond with clarity and purpose. It is what our community needs and expects from us.
Jewish Federation Los Angeles has a unique role to play because we are the only organization with the dual capacity to fight AGAINST antisemitism in addition to fighting FOR a strong, vibrant, and proud Jewish future. We organize our strategy into a pyramid with securing the community as our foundation and crafting Jewish joy at our apex. Between foundation and apex, our work is part of a comprehensive strategy to confront antisemitism and support others to fight against hate. We do so in the following ways:
We keep the community safe. The bedrock of our Federation’s fight is keeping our Jewish community safe and secure through our COMMUNITY SECURITY INITIATIVE (CSI). When people know the Federation is keeping them safe, they can do the job of making sure that Judaism flourishes without worry. Nothing can be accomplished without security.
Launched in 2012 to combat the rising threat of terrorism, CSI serves a unique role in its protection of every Jewish school, synagogue, summer camp, and organization in Jewish Los Angeles — over 500 Jewish institutions in total.
We uniquely build the powerful relationships and resources that convene decision makers, industry heads, law enforcement, Jewish organizations, and the most influential people in our city. When Jewish lives are at stake, we have the responsibility to use these relationships to protect the Jewish community.
We CONVENE through community briefings to educate our community. We host electoral forums to hold our elected officials accountable. We bring together interethnic partners to build the civic fabric of society.
We COORDINATE by creating the Antisemitism Roundtable of Jewish organizations in Los Angeles that work to fight antisemitism with the goals to map strategies, eliminate duplication, and amplify each other’s work where appropriate.
We create allies and support systems and advocate together in our fight against antisemitism.
1) State Budget Advocacy — We secured, along with our partners, more than $132 million in 2022’s state budget to fund issues affecting California’s Jewish community, including security. This vital financial backing strengthens our position in the ongoing fight against antisemitism.
2) Fighting Antisemitism in Schools — Our public schools are not immune to the spread of antisemitic ideas. When a group of educators from the Los Angeles Teacher’s Union attempted to pass a resolution supporting the BDS movement, the Federation-assembled watchdog coalition, LA Parents Against Antisemitism, sprung to action to snuff out the virulent resolution. We worked with our partners as well to ensure that the Ethnic Studies Curriculum did not contain antisemitic material.
3) Government Resolutions — We also rallied the Los Angeles City Council to take the important step to officially adopt a resolution codifying the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) definition of antisemitism, a resolution we are proud to say passed unanimously. The resolution will help spread awareness and education about antisemitism.
We create the next generation of strong Jewish leaders through our training, scholarship, and mentorship programs.
1) New Leaders Project (NLP) — For over 25 years, The Rautenberg New Leaders Project has trained Jewish civic leaders in Los Angeles and statewide. We have dozens of NLP graduates in City Hall, Sacramento, and Washington DC, ensuring that Jewish voices are heard in the halls of power.
2) Community Leadership Institute (CLI) — CLI improves the Jewish leadership landscape through highly effective training and mentorship that develops the next generations of Jewish business leaders, board members, and change agents.
3) Campus Impact Network — This group gives college students the hard skills of leadership to stand up to antisemitism on their campuses.
We speak out when inaccurate or dangerous information is spread in various forms of media. We make sure our community’s voice is heard.
Through our comprehensive and robust Public Relations and Social Media strategies, we make sure that our voice is both strong and amplified, including appearances on global television, radio, and podcasts as well as opinion pieces in newspapers.
We fight FOR the joy of being Jewish. The fight against antisemitism does not define us. We create partnerships and deliver programs. This is our apex and North Star. It is the core mission and product of our Federation. This is what makes us different.
We are proud of the litany of programs and partnerships that create pathways to Jewish life for everybody from new Jewish parents to single young adults to housebound seniors. This programming helps thousands of Jewish children attend preschool, day school, and summer camp, sends thousands more to Israel for immersive experiences, and works with older adults to ensure they age with dignity. We invest millions per year in our core mission to support a flourishing Jewish life for everyone.
We are an organization not just of speech, but of action. In this moment, we must respond to the antisemitism that surrounds us. By committing to this comprehensive strategy, The Jewish Federation will achieve the dual mission of effectively fighting against all forms of hate and, more importantly, fighting for a joyful life for all.
You can also read Jewish Federation Los Angeles’ President & CEO Rabbi Noah Farkas’ Jerusalem Post opinion piece, A three-step plan to fight the flames of antisemitism.
Shine A Light is a purpose-driven platform that convenes organizations, companies, institutions, and individuals to unite in identifying antisemitism in all its modern forms.
Infinite Light from NuRoots, celebrates Hanukkah with a young adult festival of L.A. gatherings, parties, conversations, performances, screenings, concerts, beach dancing, park dancing, storytelling, feasts, volunteering, Shabbat gatherings, and nightly candle-lighting, all over town.
LA for All is a creative-led campaign to encourage our city to speak up and speak out against hate crimes and hate incidents. The campaign meets at the intersection of art, advocacy, and community. We stand up for an inclusive L.A. You will see this campaign in places like L.A. City parks, libraries, street banners, bus shelters, Metro bus & rail, airports.
LA vs Hate is a program with a community-driven approach that empowers all residents of Los Angeles County to unite against, report, and resist hate.
Check Out Our Jewish LA
Our Jewish LA: Building Bridges
Our Jewish LA: Gathering with Our Civic Partners for Sukkot
Our Jewish LA: Celebrating Pride Month
Our Jewish LA: Fighting Antisemitism
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Thanks to our many partners who are helping spread the light across Los Angeles: