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A Wonderful Evening at Our Major Gifts Dinner

Our 2016 Major Gifts Chairs and Vice Chairs

On April 19th, at Stephen Wise Temple, a generous community came together to show their deep commitment to our Federation’s life-changing work. They also gathered to hear an insider’s perspective on the convergence of U.S. politics and the Jewish world. This was The Jewish Federation Valley Alliance’s Major Gifts Dinner, and it was a resounding success.

Nearly 175 members of our community had the opportunity to hear from noted political author and journalist Jeffrey Goldberg, who shared his thoughts about the 2016 presidential election and its impact on the Jewish community here in Los Angeles and in Israel. Jeffrey, who recently interviewed President Obama for the cover issue of The Atlantic’s April issue, was candid as he reflected about the state of politics today and his experiences as a Washington insider.

Before dinner and our program, attendees enjoyed a cocktail hour, which also featured a special presentation from our partner, Shalom Institute’s Shemesh Farm Stand. The Shemesh Farm Fellows set up their booth — which they bring weekly to local Farmer’s Markets to sell their homemade goods — and were able to meet and thank our donors while sharing about how our Federation supports their work.

The Major Gifts Dinner raised hundreds of thousands of dollars in support of The Jewish Federation from some of our most committed and generous donors. Special thanks to our Dinner Chairs Arlene & Stewart Bloom and Jodie & Steven Fishman, Dinner Vice Chairs Jan & Ron Field, and the entire 2016 Major Gifts Committee for their hard work to make this evening such a success!

For more information about the Valley Alliance, please contact Heath Blumstein at (818) 668-2335 or HBlumstein@JewishLA.org.

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