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Super Sunday: Your Day to Be A Superhero

What’s bigger than your average Sunday, better than watching reruns in your pajamas and gets the whole community together to make an impact? It’s not a bird or a plane—it’s Super Sunday!

Super Sunday, taking place on February 9th, is our Federation’s biggest fundraising day of the year, in which volunteers take to the phones, call fellow community members and ask for their support to kick off our Annual Campaign. It’s an annual tradition we’ve been holding for over 30 years, and one that nearly every Federation throughout North America has honored in their own community.  It’s also responsible for a significant amount of funding for impactful programs and services that touch hundreds of thousands across the globe. Last year, for example, our Federation raised over $1.9 million on Super Sunday!

With food, fun and prizes, Super Sunday is an amazing community-building day and gives callers an enormous sense of accomplishment. Every dollar we raise goes toward our Federation’s life-changing work caring for Jews in need, engaging with the community and ensuring the Jewish future. A one-minute call in which a community member makes a generous gift might help a recently unemployed father receive critical job counseling so he can again support his family. It might send a Jewish young adult on a transformative journey to Israel, or help an at-risk child fight illiteracy and learn to read.

In past years, our Federation’s Super Sunday efforts have been held at two locations:  one in the City and one in the Valley. But this year, we’re bringing our entire Jewish community together for one giant day of calls at the Skirball Center—in the spectacular new Guerin Pavilion!

February 9th is going to be a Super Sunday for the books, with volunteer raffle prizes that include a spot on our Federation’s 2014 Community Trip to Israel or a fully paid $500 registration to this year’s TribeFest in New Orleans for young adults. It’s a day that touches everyone in our community—and we want you to be a part of it! If your plans for February 9th involve little more than sleeping in and watching the Olympics, set your DVR and come join us as a volunteer caller!

We have day and evening phone shifts available, and each is just two and a half hours long, leaving you plenty of time to spend the rest of your day with family, friends or back in bed. Of course, if you want to stay longer, we welcome that too!

Sign up to make calls now.

As a Super Sunday volunteer, you will play a vital role in continuing our Federation’s impactful work. We hope you’ll join us!

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