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We Are Thinking About You

We are thinking about you as our community celebrates Shavuot. There is great significance to this year’s observance as we reflect on the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai and the entering into our covenant with G-d. We wandered, struggled, and questioned, but underneath it all our faith brought us to the Promised Land.

This pandemic has dramatically impacted all of us. We are filled with unanswered questions. We are all concerned for our own health and welfare and the health and welfare of our loved ones.

We miss hugging our family and friends. We yearn more than ever for community.

With summer now disrupted, our family challenges are deepening.

We are worried about the already significant impact this crisis is having on our children and grandchildren.

We share your concerns.

We feel your frustration and your fear.

We are committed to keeping us all safe and secure.

We are addressing our immediate concerns and we are also planning for the moment we will all be back together celebrating our community and enjoying all the benefits of a rich Jewish life.

We will get through this. Together.

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Chag Sameach and Shabbat Shalom,

Jay Sanderson
President & CEO

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