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We Stand with Pittsburgh

Our hearts are broken because of the human tragedy that occurred yesterday at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh. We mourn with those who lost family and friends in this senseless act of terror. A Shabbat morning is filled with vibrancy, tradition, ritual, love, and community; yesterday, a safe space became one of violence.

This was the deadliest attack to strike the Jewish community in the U.S., taking 11 lives, injuring six, and affecting countless others. We must confront such hatred and violence with love and compassion.

Together, we will help repair and strengthen the Jewish community. Here are a few ways we are coming together:

  • Community Event
    Tonight our community will participate in the L.A. Vigil for Tree of Life. This non-political, non-partisan event will take place at the Wilshire Federal Building at 6:00 PM. There will be a short speaking program with music, followed by a candlelight vigil.
  • National Solidarity Shabbat
    Our Federation and our Board of Rabbis are taking a lead role in organizing a National Solidarity Shabbat on Saturday, November 3rd. We are working with our Federation partners across North America, as well as the leadership of all the religious streams, local synagogues, and others. We invite the community to come together and visit the synagogue of their choice. We will share more information in the coming days.
  • National Victims of Terror Fund
    Our Federation will be setting up a National Victims of Terror Fund for those affected by this horrific event in Pittsburgh. The link will be live in the next 24 hours, and will be accessible on our website.

One of the ways our Federation supports our community is through our Community Security Initiative (CSI). We are committed to the safety, security, and well-being of our community — now, and always. In response to yesterday’s events, we have been in close contact with the LAPD. Security at Jewish institutions remains a priority.

We send our condolences to the families and friends of the victims:

  • Joyce Fienberg
  • Richard Gottfried
  • Rose Mallinger
  • Jerry Rabinowitz
  • Cecil Rosenthal
  • David Rosenthal
  • Bernice Simon
  • Sylvan Simon
  • Daniel Stein
  • Melvin Wax
  • Irving Younger

May the memories of those we lost be a blessing. With broken hearts but unbroken resolve, we will get through this challenging time together, as one Jewish community.


Julie B. Platt
Chair of the Board

Jay Sanderson
President & CEO

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